17 تیر 1403

مرکز تحقیقات دیابت

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

Advancement of Organoid Technology in Regenerative Medicine

Title: Advancement of Organoid Technology in Regenerative Medicine
Author(s): Arjmand, B., Rabbani, Z., Soveyzi, F., (...), Adibi, H., Larijani, B.
Published/Type: 2023 / Review
Journal: Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine9(1):83-96
article has an altmetric score of 1
Purpose: Organoids are three-dimensional cultures of stem cells in an environment similar to the body's extracellular matrix. This is also a novel development in the realm of regenerative medicine. Stem cells can begin to develop into 3D structures by modifying signaling pathways. To form organoids, stem cells are transplanted into the extracellular matrix. Organoids have provided the required technologies to reproduce human tissues. As a result, it might be used in place of animal models in scientific...
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